Dr Laura David

Dr Laura David


Dr Laura David works in both NHS and private General Practice. She founded Smart About Health with the vision to help companies and organisations proactively empower, inform and educate their employees and managers about common and serious health conditions. Her passion for health education stems from the core of General Practice; preventative and proactive, not reactive, medicine.

We all need to know more about our health and take more responsibility. Health and wellbeing in the workplace is paramount to maintaining and driving a thriving, inclusive and healthy population of employees.

As a General Practitioner, Dr David and her wide team of expert colleagues, is able to bring a new level of health expertise into the workplace.

Dr David graduated from The University of Manchester Medical School in 2009. Since then she has trained in and around London in several specialties including, A and E, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Psychiatry, before taking her position in General Practice.

She is also a mother of two young children and this experience drove her to set up her well-established parent and baby health courses which are delivered to organisations and to her patients in her NHS practice.

Core Team

Professor Prasanna Sooriakumaran
Chief Men’s Health Officer. Professor of Urology.
Dr. Romayne Gadelrab
Chief Mental Health Officer. Consultant Psychiatrist.
Dr. Rasha Gadelrab
Chief Culture and Engagement Officer. General Practitioner.
Dr Laura Ingenhaag
Chief Health Officer. General Practitioner.