Who We Are

Dr Laura David

Dr David’s passion for health education stems from the core of General Practice; preventative and proactive, not reactive, medicine.
About Dr Laura David >

“…We have worked with Laura and her fantastic team to deliver compelling and insightful events for our people over recent years across a variety of health and wellbeing topics including stress, sleep, suicide, Alzheimer’s, mental health, loneliness, kindness and gratitude. Each of the Smart About Health speakers were practicing clinical experts, we blended the clinical advice with personal stories from our people to increase connection and this has worked really well. Personally, I think Laura and her team do a great job delivering valuable wellbeing services to large firms, and she is a pleasure to work with…”
Daniel May
Health & Wellbeing Network

Our expert team

We are a team of highly specialised and experienced clinicians

The team at Smart About Health is passionate about improving the health of the wider population. Founded by NHS GP Dr Laura David in 2018, the team has grown to more than 180 frontline doctors and specialists who share a vision to support organisations proactively empower, inform, manage and educate their workforce about their health and wellbeing.

Our team live and breathe their specialty areas, which means your teams receive the very best information, advice, and answers on the issues that most matter to them.

Our Team

Meet some of our expert team

Our specialists are all highly qualified and experienced:

Medical doctors: Psychiatrists, GPs, Gynaecologists, Paediatricians, Physicians, Cardiologists, Diabetologists

Psychologists: Clinical Psychologists, Counselling Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Organisational Development Psychologists

Allied Health Care: Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Nutritionists, Midwives, Speech and Language, Infant feeding

Coaches: Leadership, Careers, Executive, Team coaching, Women’s coaching

Meet Our Partners